
Dare to be Different!

Drama enables us to learn about ourselves, our society and about life in general. 

In class, students learn to trust their ideas and abilities in a rehearsal room.  Being creative and learning to make creative choices helps students to be better at thinking of innovative ideas, allowing them to view the world around them in new ways. As Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  

This show is about participation and teamwork.  The performance is based on the book: Stories for Rebel Boys and Girls. Each class in the First Form has taken a story and spent time in class devising scenes about the unconventional individuals who have overcome difficulties in their life. These are snapshots of individuals and characters, who, in daring to be different, have made a significant contribution to others’ lives.  The stories focus on the following chosen people: Marcus Rashford, Muhammad Ali, Evelyn Glennie, Lemn Sissayi, George VI, Katelyn OHashi, Tom Daley and Nadiya Hussein.

This show in many ways sums up the ethos of the Drama department at RGS. On the one hand, we advocate teamwork and ensemble theatre, community, and empathy. The students must use these skills to work together on stage: to create a shared experience for the audience. At the same time, we want each student to find their own, unique voice and feel confident about differences. Theatre provides a haven for those who can feel different. Theatre celebrates diversity and a sense of inclusion.  

We hope that by performing at Leatherhead, each student will relish the chance to perform in this fabulous auditorium.  

Hugh Edwards
Director of Theatre


First Form Drama Production Reigate Grammar School

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